- To start a test, stop all Internet activities including file downloads, torrents, software updates, etc. and then click on "Start Test" button
- When the test is finished you can share your test result image to Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networks by clicking on "Share" button. You can also save the link (URL) of the test result for further use
- Test History chart shows your previous test results for comparing
- You can hide part of graph by clicking on the Download/Upload buttons in the upper right corner of the graph
- You can export the graph to PNG, JPEG and other formats or print it by clicking the Export/Print button in the upper right corner of the graph
- By pointing your mouse cursor to a specific area on the graph you would be able to see exact numbers for that specific time
- You can always 'zoom in' on the graph to see more details by dragging your mouse cursor over the graph. To return to the normal view (unzoom) click "Reset zoom" button in the upper right corner of the graph
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